Thursday, April 11, 2013

Last night of Breastfeeding

It has been 17 months since your birthday and this also marks the last night of breastfeeding. I never would have imaged me doing it this long but only after becoming a mom do I realize "never say never".  So stopping was not a planned event....4/11/13 was a Thursday night and on Friday our friends Bill and Heather finally had a babysitter so we decided to meet them out for dinner at Ponce's and had Wei Po put you down for bed. That was probably the 2nd time that your dad and I didn't put you down.

The following nights you went digging in my shirts and I just told you no and gave you the sippy cup instead. You didn't protest much at all so weening you has been a lot easier than I expected. At that point I think you were just latching on to sooth yourself and not drinking much because I never became engorged or needed to pump.

I was sad the first week just because this marks another big milestone of you moving out of "baby" and into the "toddler" category. I love you and you're alway be my little  Bao Bae!