Sunday, July 10, 2011

Too great to comprehend

Yup, a little baby girl! Can you believe it! We're down to a couple months here, about 4 left before our little one shines her light upon our lives. For some reason, I had a thought that we'd have a girl the whole time. I'm not sure why and from where that feeling came, but it was pretty deep. Now we get to start thinking of names and other cool things that a little baby girl will force us to prepare for, but in a good way of course. Whoa, a little girl, I can't believe it. Unbelievable and just perfect if you ask me.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

21 Weeks and Counting

On the 19th week we found out that we're going to have a baby girl! Not only am I excited that it's going to be a mini me, but just the fact that we no longer say "it". Josh of course came with me for the sonogram-we both can say we got teary-eyed. It was absolutely wonderful. She was moving around a lot, maybe one two many sour patch kids.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to go over what the radiologist saw from the sonogram. Hope all is well.

With waking up 3 times a night, I've been trying to get to bed by 9pm, just so I feel a bit more rested. My little Bears is always ready to lay in bed with me even though our bedroom is the warmest room in the house. I love her!