Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bless You

On our way to school today I sneezed and you said "bless you". You are too much. Love you Beans!

Monday, September 2, 2013

DAYCARE at SDSU Children's Center

JoJo Beans, Until you have your own baby(ies) you'll never know the flood of joy (the kind that brings tears to my eyes) being proud of someone really feels like. Today a HUGE breakthrough occured during morning drop off. You have been going full time for 2 weeks now and everyday at dropoff I need to find a teacher and do a hand off. Today Little One, I held you in my arms, told you I had to leave for work, and set you down on the ground next to an assistant! You didn't complain and when I left the room I watched you interact with that assistant and my heart was smiling. Everyday there's something you do that blows my mind...I know what you're thinking...I need to get out more...but you have no idea how mezerizing you are. Let me try to recount the ways. 1. You're now consistantly using a spork (spoon/fork) when eating. When you're having problems picking up food in your bowl you cheat, and put the food on the spork with your other hand and shovel the food into your mouth that way. You alway then look towards us for cheers. 2. You're dancing. 3. Obession with lotion and Qiaohu, you say "Ko?" always with a question.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Beans you are the sweetest little baby...must get it from your Daddy. This past week you have been walking up to me and planting literally, lip smacking kisses on my legs, arms, anywhere you can put your lips on. It's the best thing in the world; well until the next best thing you do. Yesterday, when I got home from work, you decided you wanted to plant kisses on the tops of my feet. Where do you come up with these ideas?

You now can tell me the sounds of what different animals make. Cow, Cat, Sheep, Dog, Duck, Pig, Lion.

I'm now able to pull your hair back into pigtales. It's so so cute. I think it takes your cuteness to a higher level!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

And OFF She Goes

Today is JoJo's second day at SDSU's Children's Center. We're preparing her for ma's departure in August, so we put her in two days a week (Tuesday and Thursday). It's insane! For 2 days of care it's costing us $704 but once August rolls around she'll be considered a toddler and the price drops to $1072 for full time.

Luckly, me, ma, and Joshua had sat in with Ms. Sarah Spears four times prior to the first day so she was familiar with the kids and teachers. First day was like today, painless. You went from being in my arms to going over to Ms. Sarah's.  It's a small class of 6 with pretty much equal ratio of adults and students.

The teacher reported that on your first day you ate all your breakfast and lunch and even slept for 1.5 hours. She patted your back and you were asleep within 20 mins. This make me so proud!

Monday, July 1, 2013


Today you had your first fever 102.5. You probably got it when we visited your daycare the other day. When I got home you said "Ma Bao". Your first sentence and it was "Mom hold me". It melted my heart. Just thinking about puts a smile on my face.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Back to Blogging

Yikes! Its been well over a year since my last entry...had big plans for this blog. Right now you and mommy are sitting in the parking lot of the North University Library (La Jolla). Why you wonder? Well because u fell a sleep on the drive here to meet your friend Linnea, who's mommy is Wendy, who I met on Chinese story time is now over and you're still catching your zzzzz's. You did not acquire my napping skills. Till this day your dad, Wei Po, and I have to walk the neighborhood to get you to nap. Once asleep we leave you out in the front porch till you wake up. Your naps are usually a hour to a hour and half long. never to long.

You're almost a year and a half. You're a sweet, smart, funny little girl that brings so much joy to us, that at times I'm afraid to say it out loud. I need to try better in sharing more stories and events on this blog so I don't forget the small moments that make me love being a mom.

I've emailed myself some "baby updates" so I'm going to try to back date some of the stories I have from the past year plus.

Jojo started to say Gao and it sounds perfect. This is her fifth clear Chinese word.
1st ba
2nd ma
Shi shi

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Last night of Breastfeeding

It has been 17 months since your birthday and this also marks the last night of breastfeeding. I never would have imaged me doing it this long but only after becoming a mom do I realize "never say never".  So stopping was not a planned event....4/11/13 was a Thursday night and on Friday our friends Bill and Heather finally had a babysitter so we decided to meet them out for dinner at Ponce's and had Wei Po put you down for bed. That was probably the 2nd time that your dad and I didn't put you down.

The following nights you went digging in my shirts and I just told you no and gave you the sippy cup instead. You didn't protest much at all so weening you has been a lot easier than I expected. At that point I think you were just latching on to sooth yourself and not drinking much because I never became engorged or needed to pump.

I was sad the first week just because this marks another big milestone of you moving out of "baby" and into the "toddler" category. I love you and you're alway be my little  Bao Bae!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Temper Temper

You have now started clenching both hands together and putting them in air when frustrated. The first time I saw this was when Lou stole your cheese out of your hand. We have been giving you Babybel cheese and string cheese.

Last week is when you started stomping your feet when you became mad. You don't get frustrated too often but when you do it's usually because something was taken away from you. I think your dad is becoming quite nervous because you may have gotten my "bad attitude". We'll see....

Also this week you started repeating thank u in Chinese. It's the cutest and sweetest thing I have every heard! Shay Shaee.